Slay your next side hustle

Packed with over 80-pages of content, the Side Hustle Success bundle contains everything needed to create your very own side business and compelling brand.

What's inside the bundle?


A 17-page e-bookHow to Create a Side Business Brand You Love, plus the 3-page companion workbook 


My most-popular money goals worksheet set, which includes a printable to track how much you earn every day, or every month. 


The exact script and email template to copy for when you approach your first side business clients (8-pages)


Pitching for National Press Exposure e-Book - 20 pages that will teach you how to get national media mentions for your growing business

Ready to build a freedom business?




Lauren Bowling

“Since 2012, I've added $500,000 in wealth to my bottom line by investing in side hustles and multiple income streams. While the digital landscape has changed, it's never too late to start your own side business."

Is this product right for me?

“I know I need a side hustle but I don't know where to start.”

If you're looking to get out of the side hustle gig economy and start a brand and business of your own, this workbook walks you through ideation to creation – with guided brainstorming exercises. 

“How do you create a brand?”

After working through the exercises, you'll have an idea of the side business you want to create, what you'll call it, and how you'll differentiate yourself from the crowd.

“What is the best way to grow a side business from scratch?”

The true power in this product lies in the Pitching for National Press Exposure guide and the done-for-you script and email template for approaching your first clients. Knowing what to say and how to say it will help you win business and powerful press. 


From side hustle mess to side hustle success.